A good replacement for drinking penalty game are perhaps the Never Have I Ever Drinking Game Questions. These questions provide an opportunity to pose statements and your mates have to put up a finger if it is true about them. However, instead of drinking tequila as a penalty for the one who loses the game, they get to drink a nasty cocktail or a mixture of juice they don’t like…fun huh!
READ ALSO:500+ Interesting Never Have I Ever Questions To Ask Anyone
Moreover, this a nice game through which one can learn the drinking habits or the crazy stuff their friends or family members have ever done while drunk. It is a nice eye into your friend’s drinking habit. Believe me, you will be surprised to learn things you’ve never thought about them. So prepare to laugh the night off. Below are a list of the best never have I ever drinking game questions, be sure to enjoy!
- Never have I ever called my ex when I’m drunk
- Never have I ever drunk more than 3 bottles of alcohol
- Never have I ever mixed three different drinks
- Never have I ever taken whiskey
- Never have I ever drank a ram
- Never have I ever drank a 23 year old whiskey
- Never have I ever drank dry gin
- Never have I ever mistaken my girlfriend’s house for my house when drunk
- Never have I ever made fun of people when drunk
- Never have I ever made a cocktail drink
- Never have I ever drank the whole night
- Never have I ever went on a drinking spree
- Never have I ever played a drinking game
- Never have I ever a mixture of wine and whiskey
- Never have I ever had a hung over after drinking the whole night
- Never have I ever had to take a morning pill after drinking the whole
- Never have I ever gone through my phone to check what happened the previous night
- Never have I ever driven through the traffic lights while drunk
- Never have I ever went drinking without taking a shower
- Never have I ever ate a raw food while drunk
- Never have I ever drank beer with a family member in the same room
- Never have I ever accepted a hike on strangers car while drank
- Never have I ever created a social media account to show off my drinking habits
- Never have I ever put my fingers in a drink before drinking it
- Never have I ever taken home a stranger after drinking in a club
- Never have I ever provoked someone while drunk
- Never have I ever gone to the same drinking place twice in a row
- Never have I ever drank in the company of sugar mummies
- Never have I ever drank with more than 5 ladies
- Never have I ever watched an alcohol awareness campaign
- Never have I ever tasted liquor in my life
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Hope you had fun going through our list of Interesting Never Have I Ever Drinking Game Questions. Please don’t forget to add your interesting questions below on the comment section.