Conversation Starters

133 Interesting Conversation Starters ask

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Young couple feeling the moment | Conversation starters

Sparking a great conversation especially with a stranger is an uphill task. It’s even harder in case it is with an opposite sex.[Read Also–>100 More Interesting Conversation Starters]Furthermore, it’s uneasy sitting next to a person whom you somehow have interest with without talking yet you’re going sit next to them for long hours; maybe while travelling or queuing somewhere while waiting for some sort of service.

However, don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Below is a list of really interesting conversation starters categorized depending on the situation you will find yourself in at any particular moment. Enjoy!

100 General Conversation Starters

Friends having a talk on Best Conversation Starters
Friends having a talk | Best Conversation Starters
  1. Have you watched a funny movie off late?
  2. What actions makes you to get stressed up?
  3. What is the time please?
  4. Can we know each other if you don’t mind?
  5. Have you met the host before?
  6. Is this your first time attending such events?
  7. Do you find yourself busy at this time/season?
  8. Can you propose good cocktails here?
  9. Have you tasted any of these foods before?
  10. Have you accessed this viral video? It has been all over social media today
  11. Is there a football match today?
  12. That music is great. Are you a fun of reggae music?
  13. Which activities were you engaged in last weekend?
  14. Are you a fan of holiday vacations?
  15. What would you wish to paint the whole world?
  16. When did you last work hard to achieve something? What was that about?
  17. At your free time, do you just relax at home or you go out with friends?
  18. Are you still in touch with your childhood friends?
  19. Are you proud of your work/school?
  20. At what time do you go to work?
  21. How many minutes do you take driving from your home to work?
  22. Are you able to describe yourself in eleven words?
  23. Do you have tattoos on your thighs?I have one,my favorite is the eagle?
  24. Have you ever saved someone when he/she was in danger?
  25. Do you have a vision of starting a business in future?
  26. How are you contributing in making the world a better place?
  27. Which business do you think is most profitable currently?
  28. Have you ever thought of staying away from your parents?
  29. Do you have the courage to speak in front of many people? Not particularly your peers?
  30. Have you ever dream and wished that the dream could come true?
  31. Have you ever seen an anaconda(not on TV)?
  32. Who is that person who has helped you to transform your life to what it is today?
  33. Have you traveled to a different country more recently?
  34. What season of the year are you comfortable with?
  35. What do you consider owning first, a great car or a family?
  36. Do you have a romantic place near your home?
  37. What do you normally carry along to any place you go?
  38. How many hours do you spend on the internet per day?
  39. Which recent story has really touched your attention?
  40. Have you ever gotten stuck at a place for fear?
  41. Would you prefer changing your name given a chance?
  42. Which wise saying do you consider more useful to you?
  43. Whose footsteps would you like to follow?
  44. When you are with your family, what do you contribute most?
  45. Have you ever found yourself in an awkward situation because of peer pressure?
  46. Would you like to be popular in the whole world or just live your own life?
  47. Where can you take a date as you preferred place?
  48. What song reminds you of something you went through?
  49. How regular do you help people when they need you to?
  50. Apart from your parents, who else has impacted on your life?
  51. How many Muslims friends do you have in your cycle?
  52. Do you believe in voodoo magics?
  53. Imagine you get stuck in an elevator, who would you wish to be with?
  54. Who would be the worst person you can ever stuck with in an elevator?
  55. Are you a fan of watching TV series?
  56. Which is the best TV show you don’t want to miss?
  57. Have you ever watched reality TV shows? Do you like them?
  58. Have you ever attended movie live recording?
  59. Do you watch documentaries? Do they excite you?
  60. Have you ever visited a national library?
  61. What is your one major professional goal?
  62. What normally prevents you from achieving the goals you set?
  63. What is the appropriate way of ensuring that you accomplish your goals?
  64. How are you planning to continue with your life normally when you retire?
  65. Between saving and investing, what is more important?
  66. What are you planning to do in the next five years?
  67. Which year do you think you will be in a position to purchase your dream car?
  68. Who was your first employer?
  69. How do you relate with your colleagues at work?
  70. Have you ever disagreed with your boss?
  71. Do you believe you can make a good manager?
  72. Have you come with your girlfriend?
  73. Where do you come from?
  74. Do you have a scar as a result of some physical activity?
  75. Did you attend this year’s music awards last night?
  76. Where will you be going to work this holiday?
  77. Do you have relatives around this place?
  78. Did you take a taxi to this place or you came with your car?
  79. Who was your favorite lecturer in college?
  80. What scariest thing have you ever done?
  81. Do you know how to play instruments? Which one do you enjoy?
  82. How do you engage your mind when you are free?
  83. At what age would you be comfortable to die?
  84. Do you fear getting getting married?
  85. What one thing do you feel is hard to do?
  86. What do you like about yourself?
  87. Is your mum as lively as you?
  88. When are you planning to get engaged?
  89. What discourages you most?
  90. Would you prefer having a vacation at the beach or in the mountains?
  91. I can see you have a ring. Its beautiful, are you engaged or something?
  92. Who is that one person you admire or respect most?
  93. What are the five major qualities you would like your children to possess?
  94. You have a nice handbag how much does it cost?
  95. Have you had about the recent plane crush?
  96. How do you feel about the recent plans of establishing another shopping mall in this area?
  97. How do you demonstrate your disappointment in the house?
  98. It is good that this year we have gotten much snow. Do you enjoy it?
  99. Have you watched Harry Potter series? What were your amazing moments in the series?
  100. Are you working for a private or a government organization?

33 Funny Conversation Starters

image of good  Conversation starters
A couple enjoying the sunset rays | Conversation starters
  1. You smell nice, what brand is your perfume?
  2. Would you prefer whispering everything or shouting everything while talking?
  3. Have you had a weird kitchen fail?
  4. How much money would you give to somebody threatening to share your browsing history with your parents or girlfriend?
  5. Would you rather live without eyebrows or be shaved half of your head forever?
  6. Would you prefer eating a bowl full of fried worms or fried crickets?
  7. Have you ever received a love message from another person when you are sitting with your spouse? How did you react?
  8. Do you have a personal dance move?
  9. If you had an opportunity to shrinking something and go with it anywhere, what could that be?
  10. At what age did you join college?
  11. If we could be having only one holiday per year,what could be your top 5 destinations?
  12. Which one would you choose between visiting the great wall of China,the Egyptians pyramids or see the London Bridge?
  13. If you were to give a rule for everybody on earth to follow, which rule would be that?
  14. If I were a cloth, would I be a bra or a vest?
  15. What is the funniest thing you have done in your life?
  16. Between having a third eye and a third arm, which one would you choose?
  17. What is the meaning of your family name?
  18. Would you prefer to be a dog each night or have a beast as your spouse each night?
  19. What are you expecting this week?
  20. Do you consider yourself to be the luckiest person in this room? Why?
  21. When was your last time here? What had you come to do?
  22. Have you ever gone for an interview before?
  23. If we were to choose between legs or arms, which one could you like to have? Why?
  24. What is the most important thing when preparing to go for a job interview?
  25. What is one good thing you could give someone as a gift today?
  26. What three things you cannot live without?
  27. What is the hardest part of finding true love?
  28. If you were to read the mind of someone, whose mind would you like to access?
  29. If pets could be talking, what story could you tell yours?
  30. What is it that makes you laugh? -a story or a joke
  31. If you were to invite one person for dinner, would you consider me?
  32. Have you ever won a prize or an award? What had you achieved?
  33. Do you believe there is life on other planets?

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