Trivia Questions

50+ Interesting Science Trivia Questions To Ask Anyone

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Science trivia questions and answers are key in testing your knowledge and stretching your understanding to maximum.

Our world is surrounded by science all over. From the several types of undiscovered natural resources, to flora and fauna and the never-ending landscapes around us.

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There will be always a new thing one can learn. Even scientists themselves are strongly convinced that the current human knowledge and exploration about the world is not even half of what is yet to be discovered.

Therefore, if you are interested in expanding your understanding and discovering new things about the world that surrounds you, then fun science trivia questions and answers can expand your perception.

Check out these Science trivia questions and answers we’ve curated for you:

  1. Which animal can change direction midair?

Answer. Caracals

  1. What animal is the largest on land alive today?

Answer. Elephant

  1. How many oceans contain sharks?

Answer. Five

  1. What can sharks sense that humans cannot?

Answer. Electrical currents and pressure changes.

  1. How many limbs does an octopus have?

Answer.  8

  1. What kind of animal is an Orca?

Answer. Dolphins

  1. What process do bats use to locate their prey?

Answer. Echolocation

  1. Why do some tigers have white coats?

Answer. They’re the result of a mutant gene that’s been artificially selected through inbreeding

  1. What is the smallest unit of matter?

Answer. Atom

  1. “There is opposite and equal reaction for each action taken” this is an example of what law.

Answer. Third law of Motion by Isaac Newton

  1. What range is considered room temperature?

Answer. Around 20–22 °C

  1. How many states of matter are there?

Answer. Three

  1. What word can you use to describe when a solid turns into a liquid?

Answer. Melting

  1. Electron pairs, when shared between two atoms, help create what kind of bond?

Answer. A covalent bond

  1. What Greek letter is used to represent density (mass per unit volume)?

Answer. P

  1. What metal is found at the center of the Earth?

Answer. Iron

  1. How do scientists measure the severity of an earthquake?

Answer. Earthquakes are recorded by a seismographic network.

  1. What was Earth’s supercontinent called?

Answer. Pangea

  1. The world comprises of how many continents?

Answer. 7 continents

  1. Which city in Italy is famous for its canals?

Answer. Venice

  1. What does a “Geiger Counter” measure?

Answer. Radiation

  1. Which inventor proved that lightning is a form of electricity?

Answer. Benjamin Franklin

  1. What kind of energy does that sun create?

Answer. Radiant energy

  1. What two elements is water made of?

Answer. Hydrogen and oxygen

  1. What reaction releases energy into its surroundings?

Answer. Exothermic reactions

  1. What word do scientists use to describe a unit of measure that is also the name of an animal?

Answer. A mole

  1. The solar system consists of so many stars. Which star is the largest of all?

Answer. The sun

  1. Would you weigh more or less on Mars?

Answer. Less

  1. The human body comprises of many bones, which one is the smallest?

Answer. The “stapes” in the middle ear

  1. The earth comprises three different layers namely.

Answer. Core, Crust and the Mantle.

  1. What do bees use to make honey?

Answer. Flowers, leaves

  1. Among the planets of the solar system, which one is the hottest?

Answer. Venus

  1. What blood type is very rare?

Answer. AB

  1. Who is a universal blood recipient?

Answer. AB. Can receive from people from all other blood groups

  1. Who is a universal blood donor?

Answer. O. Can only receive from O. But can donate to anyone

  1. The pinna is found on what part of the human body?

Answer. Pinna

  1. Where does photosynthesis take place?

Answer. Leaves

  1. What is the boiling point of water?

Answer. 100°C

  1. Which tissue connects the muscles to the bones?

Answer. Ligaments

  1. The laws of motion were proposed by who?

Answer. Isaac Newton

  1. Carnivores are which type of animals?

Answer. Animals eating only flesh

  1. How do we call animals that feed on both flesh and plants?

Answer. Omnivores

  1. Which hormone regulates blood sugar in the body?

Answer. Insulin

  1. Which organ in the human body if got problems leads to Diabetes?

Answer. The Pancreas

  1. Sound can move faster in water than in air. True or false.

Answer. False

  1. Where do we find mitochondria?

Answer.  In body cells

  1. Where do we find the world’s most active volcano?

Answer. In Hawaii, US

  1. Who is an optician?

Answer. Is a trained personnel dealing with eyeglass lenses together with frames for correcting eyesight problems?

  1. What is the function of graduated cylinder?

Answer. Is used to measure the volume of a liquids, chemicals or solutions.

  1. Space travelers from Russia are called cosmonauts, in the United States are called astronauts, how about taikonauts?

Answer. China

  1. Which lunar phase occurs when the illuminated moon is more than half but not full?

Answer.  Waning Gibbous

  1. To quantify the radioactive element activity one has to use which unit of measurement?

Answer. Becquerel

  1. ATP, a molecular unit of energy, stands for what?

Answer. Adenosine triphosphate

  1. What is the role of the vestibular sense?

Answer.  Supplies information to the brain   regarding to spinal orientation and motion.

  1. What is the role of the proprioceptive sense?

Answer. Enables the body to perceive its position in space.

  1. Which bone disease translates to ‘porous bones’?

Answer. Osteoporosis

  1. What happens when two opposite charges are brought together?

Answer. They attract each other

  1. What cell division results into 4 haploid cells that mature up to generate garmets?

Answer. Meiosis

  1. Define Mitosis?

Answer. Division of a cell into two similar halves, each half has same chromosomes as the initial cell.

  1. The ability of a substance to float on water is called?

Answer. Buoyancy

  1. What do we call a process where a solid changes into a gas directly?

Answer. Sublimation

  1. What do we call a muscle relationship whereby two muscles never move in a similar direction? For instance if one relaxes, the other muscle stretches.

Answer.  Antagonistic Muscle

  1. What is the name of a physician from Greece who came up with idea of keeping the history of patients?

Answer. Hippocrates

  1. Bronze is comprises of which two major components?

Answer. Copper and tin

READ ALSO: 50+ Interesting Random Trivia Questions To Ask Anyone 

Hope our list of science trivia questions you might use with anyone will get you started. Please don’t forget to leave any of your interesting science trivia questions with answers down in the comment section below .

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