Pick Up Linesromantic pick up lines

300+ Irresistible And Really Romantic Pick Up Lines

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Couple having Happy times | Romantic Pick Up Lines

Ever wondered how a simple sentence can make someone’s heart skip a beat? Welcome to the enchanting world of romantic pick up lines, where words have the power to charm and captivate. These lines, crafted with a touch of sweetness and a dash of wit, can turn an ordinary moment into something magical. Curious to discover how romantic pick up lines can sweep someone off their feet? Let’s delve into the most heartwarming and enchanting lines that promise to make any encounter unforgettable. Funny pick up lines ]

Good Romantic Pick Up lines

  1.  Somehow, the love I feel for you is almost as much as I love myself, but you still pretty hot.
  2. Is that your smile or is it that the sun coming up?
  3. You want to date me? If yes, give her a smile, No, just flip back.
  4. Studies show that kissing burns 6.4 calories. Would you like to work out?
  5. They say nothing lasts forever, wanna be my nothing?
  6. I know you’d love to hear me scream out to the world how much I love you. I will just whisper it in your ears because girl, you my world.
  7. There is a rear view, side view and you know what else? Loview.
  8. My plan as a zombie has been revised to include you inside.
  9. You look like sharpie – super fine.
  10. Might you have taken Campbell’s soup today? You are looking Mmmh Mmh Good!
  11. Honey, your beauty turns the morning sun into a dull glimmer of the moon,
  12. Your Dad must be in jail for taking the stars from the sky and placing them in your eyes.
  13. Love, I may not be a Genie or something close. I surely can bring your dreams to reality.
  14. Beebe, you kill me for every breath you take from me every time you pass by.
  15. I give you these roses to them show incredibly beautiful you are.
  16. My heart is the safest place to write your name in, because in heaven the clouds might rub it off, in the sand the wind might blow it away, in my heart nothing can ever remove it.
  17. I’m in love with all my circles because circles go on forever they never break like the heart.
  18. You be far away from me but not in my mind. You may not be here with me but not in my heart. I may not mean anything to you but you will always be special to me.
  19. Your beauty is so magnificent that it gives the sun a reason to shine.
  20. Please kiss me. Don’t let me lie to my diary.
  21. moments of romantic pick up lines
    Couple having a romantic moment | romantic pick up lines
  22. You have any idea of something that’s beautiful? Look at the first word of this sentence.
  23. I’m struggling with the urge to make you the world’s happiest lady tonight.
  24. You forever have a friend with benefit in me.
  25. You look right all day long. Is it that your left eye isn’t working?
  26. I got it I’m too fast; it’s just that I wanna meet the people who made you as magnificent as you are.
  27. I don’t mean to startle you but I feel like I’m gonna fall in love with someone else. Our child in future.
  28. I thought I had an idea of what beauty really look like until my eyes crushed on you.
  29. A sculptor could spend all his/her life trying to sculpt you but would never make anything close to looking like you.
  30. Are you willing we go drink coffee as if we are soul mates?
  31. With you it feels like we are in a movie. Meeting and being with you are the main actress and our beating hearts and all that’s between us representing the music.
  32. Can we meet today over lunch? Am putting together a documentary of the uncommon unique and exotic things on earth.
  33. I almost went down on my knees their and then. I had no idea you would shake my world up that hard.
  34. I wrote your story and name on my diary and that’s past now. I took pictures of your beauty but unfortunately it’s all in the past now. Fortunately, seeing and being with you remains a memory forever.
  35. If you not sure if you can go out with me then we should ask both our mums. Mothers know better.
  36. I will participate in your bidding and treat you as you deserve to be treated day and night. The nice thing is that you don’t have pay a dime.
  37. I am not compelled to go to the beach of stargaze when you always here besides me.
  38. I need you to administer to me mouth to mouth. I guess my heart stopped the very minute I saw you.
  39. Take a look at all those stars in the sky tonight. That’s just how many times I have thought of you.
  40. I feel like a raindrop because am falling for you so fast that am scared my life is gonna end if you don’t hold me.
  41. I have the ability to hold my wine but being around you makes my legs and knees weak.
  42. It’s a bit rude how you made me trip like that. You now owe me a dinner for making me fall for you.
  43. Perhaps you may have a autobiography with you? I would love to modify your past by being in your future.
  44. I just don’t understand why kings would take more than one wife in the past. I would want no one else if I had you.
  45. Never mind about Superman or Spiderman, I’m your man.
  46. I may not be a qualified photographer but I can almost picture us together.
  47. Hi I love your skirt and/or top.
  48. I don’t have any clue about your name but I got a feeling it is as lovely as you are.
  49. Hey! There is no doubt you are the most beautiful girl in the room.
  50. I got this urge to plant you right here, perhaps you are called Daisy.
  51. The only thing you may have it wrong is thinking that you don’t have a chance with me.
  52. I’ll give you a minute to give me your phone. After that you will live the rest of your life thinking how it would have felt going on a date with me.
  53. I’m sure you would make the most beautiful contestant in a love game.
  54. Were you a vegetable you would be a cutecumber.
  55. If it were a crime to be beautiful, then you would be sentenced for life in prison.
  56. I bet the color of your eyes are the exactly the same as my Porsche.
  57. Do you have the time to write down my number?
  58. Are you a karate girl, because your body is kicking?
  59. Damn! I just lost my phone number.is it okay if I have yours?
  60. You look lost because heavens are far away from here.
  61. Hey honey, I got these voices in my mind that can’t stop telling me to come here and talk to you.
  62. You would be a burger at McDonalds, you would be McGorgeous.
  63. Hey, I am kind of broke. Can we share a taxi on your way home?
  64. Can I get your photo please? I wanna show Santa what I would love for Christmas.
  65. I’m 100% sure you not an astronaut. You just so down to earth.
  66. Would you please recommend me a nice bank? I want to save all my love for you.
  67. I look drunk but am not. I am intoxicated by your beauty.
  68. Can you lend me a kiss? I Promise I will return it back.
  69. Your beauty is just not of this world. Are you a worker at NASA?
  70. Can I bring my coffee and cream? You are my sugar.
  71. I may not understand what that is but you sure have an angel’s touch.
  72. Were you a booger, you would be my number one on the list.
  73. What’s your nickname? Or can I just call you later?
  74. Excuse! Could there be an air around here? Or it is just my heart taking off?
  75. Hey, I think you are not supposed to be here. Because those taking part in Miss Universe contest are up there.
  76. You sure are a magnet. I’m really attracted to you.
  77. I think you are a terrorist. You just abducted my heart.
  78. Hey lady, I think you have to buy me a drink. Because while looking at you I just dropped mine.
  79. Love, your sweetness can sure put Hershey’s out of business.
  80. Might your beautiful looks be an hour then definitely it’s gonna be an eternity.
  81. I think the reason why King Solomon had several wives is because he never found you.
  82. Hey lovely, can you please call an ambulance? My heart just stopped when I saw you.
  83. I may require your identity card and mobile number for the purposes of insurance. I just hit that wall over there because I couldn’t get my eyes off you.
  84. You are so hot, are you summer?
  85. Hey do you remember me? We met in my dreams.
  86. Hey you got something in your eye. Think it’s a twinkle.
  87. You madly hot. I think you the cause of global warming.
  88. Your dress is a perfect match for your eyes. Need a drink?

Best Romantic pick up lines

  1. You make me feel heaven on earth.
  2. You and I would be pretty cute together, you wanna see?
  3. You so hot like fire. I bet you can’t pass nearby a fire station.
  4. Hey, can I buy you coffee? Then will talk about the future.
  5. You my heart melt like hot fudge on a sundae.
  6. Please don’t go or else I will have to report to the police for stealing my heart.
  7. I know I may never have a chance with you but can grant me a chance to hear the voice an angel?
  8. Did you by any chance invented the airplane? Because you look so Wright to me.
  9. You are the marshmallow in my hot chocolate.
  10. Hi, I’m Doug. It’s like god but it’s spelled backwards with U wrapped in it.
  11. Even if 1000 artists would work 1000 years they still will never create a master piece of art like you.
  12. On your way back to heaven please remember me.
  13. I hope your day has been as bright as your smile.
  14. I believe I was blind before I met you. I have never seen anything like you.
  15. I heard that dating is a game of numbers. Can I have your number?
  16. I’m giving you the keys to my life, car, house and heart.
  17. I heard you were banished from heaven because you were causing global warming.
  18. Do you have a license? You so driving me crazy.
  19. I think Santa came early because you were the first one on my Christmas list.
  20. Life without you is meaningless.
  21. Hey, I heard you talking to me. Well then, would like to now?
  22. Excuse me, but what pick-up line would work best for you?
  23. Your smile lights up my world.
  24. Whenever you see nothing, just remember that’s my life without you.
  25. Whenever am without you I’m lost but with you I find myself again.
  26. When you came your eyes shone with absolute brightness as the morning sun, you were so full of beauty like a field of roses but now you just so much more.
  27. Each time I spend with you I get lost and without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.
  28. You’re the shining light at the end of my tunnel.
  29. Your eyes are dark like a castle moat at night. Lower your bridge my queen that I may cross.
  30. Your body is perfect. The only problem is your mouth…it is not attached to mine.
  31. I’m usually shy meeting new people and now am forcing myself to approach the most beautiful girl inside the room.
  32. Hey how are you feeling? I asked how you feeling not how you look #winking.
  33. If your beauty were measured by time. Then you would be forever.
  34. If I wouldn’t have come and made you laugh I would hate myself forever.
  35. People say that beauty is a drop of water, if that’s true, then you are an ocean.
  36. Hi sweetheart sitting there I could not tell if it was just me of a fairy tale. But now I realize you actually made from sugar, spice and everything nice.
  37. I really can’t take you out for coffee because if I did, I will die of jealousy seeing the mug kissing your lips each time you take a sip.
  38. Hey lovely, if kissing you would mean drinking water from the ocean, then I can drink all I want but my thirst would only increase from each drink. I guess I can never drink enough of you?
  39. Your dad must have been a king to make a beautiful princess like you.
  40. Hey, you surely look like my future wife.
  41. You hear that rhythmic pounding sound? Well it’s my heart beating for you.
  42. Wow, you are really talking to me! I think my dreams have finally come true.
  43. I’m not really sure if you are beautiful or not am still stuck at your eyes.
  44. I have a habit of saying whatever comes in my mind. You are just stunningly gorgeous.
  45. Please my queen, make me your knight in a shining armor.
  46. Hey dear, you wanna find out how smoking hot our kids would be?
  47. I’m really not that kind of man with a lot of words, so you are beautiful, would you like I take you out tonight?
  48. I love you in that dress. It looks so nice on you.
  49. You are worth 1000 of masterful poems and not just mare words.
  50. I would love to spend the rest of my life waking up beside you.
  51. I don’t just wanna make you my girlfriend and my life partner, I wanna make you the mother of my kids and companion to grow old with.
  52. How I yearn to kiss you, wrap you with my hands and hug you, to caress your soft skin with rich passion and tenderness. In short I want to love you.
  53. My love, whenever you experience an eye problem, who do you go to? A jeweler or an ophthalmologist?
  54. I may not have a palace but definitely you the princess of my heart.
  55. My mouth despair to feel your lips, I cry for you, my heart pounds for your love and my arms wanna hug you for the rest of my life.
  56. Flowers keep on wondering how one of them could have walked away from the garden whenever they see you around.
  57. It’s like spring has already started because you are the first flower I have seen.
  58. I’m gonna start a contest to find out who loves you the most. Just a caution, I never lose.
  59. Please buy me a dictionary for since the first day I laid my eyes on you I went out of words
  60. Allow me to take a picture of you because I would love to send it to everyone in the world and let them know angels do exist.
  61. Just like the moon owns the night and the sun the day, so you own my heart every day and night.
  62. I would love to be the sun that enlightens you, the air that you breathe but above all I would wish to be the love of your life.
  63. I want to let you know that I have so many unresolved problems; for instance, every night when I count the sheep I find myself telling them how much I love.
  64. Just as the apple is born green and turns red with time, I was born free and you came and conquered my heart.
  65. I spend 16 hours a day to think about you and 8 hours to dream about you.
  66. I really do not have a favorite spot but I’m sure it’s beside you.
  67. I love you not because you are perfect but because you incredibly perfect to me.
  68. I may not have enough money but I really would love to spend my life with you.
  69. I prefer you don’t tell that you’ll see me tomorrow but tell me you’ll see me later because I gonna dream about you.
  70. I’m not good in writing romantic letters but for you I can write a book.
  71. The tenderness and sparkles in your eyes suffocates my heart.
  72. I don’t know how to kiss could you show me?
  73. I’d love if you help me prepare for my exams because you always me make forget about everything else.
  74. There is no sweeter song to my ears than hearing you call my name.
  75. Time stops whenever you look at me, so please continue doing that and I will remain young forever.
  76. Every time I’m close to you my problems vanish.
  77. On one hand I love, on the other hand I love you as well.
  78. If you need time go with the watchmaker, if it is space that you need, go with the astronaut but if you want love then come with me.
  79. Make me a protagonist in your dreams and I promise to wake you up with a kiss every morning.
  80. I’m in need of an urgent surgery; I have a heart problem because your love is blocking my blood circulation.
  81. Can I offer you anything at all? Water? Juice? My heart? A whole life together?
  82. In my dreams you are mine but in my life you are my dream.
  83. All I ask is a chance and I will make it worthwhile.
Romantic Pick Up Lines Image
Romantic getaway | Romantic Pick Up Lines
  1. If you cannot sleep at night don’t count the stars count on me.
  2. If beauty was a sin God would never forgive you.
  3. Never let me go it’s a trap.
  4. I love you too much that I’m unable to love you less
  5. I miss everything about you mostly those that have not happened yet.
  6. My parents taught me to call things by their name, would you allow me to call you love?
  7. I would surrender my heart and soul for just a moment with you.
  8. Sorry, umh…you so beautiful I forgot what I wanted to say.
  9. Every beat of my heart says your name.
  10. I got a hole that can only be replaced by your name.
  11. If magic ever existed, it would be in your eyes.
  12. You can’t knock on my door because it is always open for you.
  13. If I had to be somewhere it would be next to you,
  14. Love you so much that saying your name is like talking about my life.
  15. What I like most about your voice is when you are talking to me.
  16. Whenever I see you I feel like my life is complete.
  17. I wouldn’t promise you anything perfect but I assure you that it’s gonna be real.
  18. You may be nothing but am yours for the rest of my days.
  19. You are the direction I wanna go.
  20. My smile is always ready for you.
  21. I’m deeply in love with you that it hurts.
  22. I bought you a present but it just so impossible to wrap a hug and kiss.
  23. The distance from friendship to love is just one step, would you like we walk together?
  24. I want us to be a reality not just a dream.
  25. It’s my desire to be your last love and not your first love.
  26. I had all the answers but you changed all the questions.
  27. I’m a crazy fan of your lips I wish my lips had an autograph so you could sign every time we meet.
  28. I only wanted to steal your kiss, but you so smart you stole my heart instead.
  29. It just took me a day to love you, an hour to know you but it will take all my life to forget you.
  30. Falling in love with you has been the greatest moments of my life.
  31. I fail to understand what pirates were thinking abandoning such treasure.
  32. Even silence becomes amazingly beautiful each time I’m with you.
  33. You surely got fire in you because the light in your eyes heats me up.
  34. Asking me to stop thinking about you is like asking my heart to stop beating.
  35. You may be nothing to the world, but you will always be my world.
  36. I’m totally in love with you today more than yesterday but not more than tomorrow.
  37. Love becomes fate whenever it is magic.
  38. The radiance in your eyes shakes my soul.
  39. All my sighs say your name.
  40. I lack the manual on how to live without you.
  41. I will forever be lost in you, were you a maze.
  42. With you am myself, the person I wanna be.
  43. My kiss will tell you all that is unspoken or that I haven’t said
  44. We are two souls sharing love and truth.
  45. I will always be your sky if ever you wanna fly.
  46. You can be far away from me but not from my mind.
  47. I give you a promise. Nothing will ever kill our story.
  48. You turned me into an organ donor because I gave you my heart.
  49. It can be such a short journey to fall in love with you.
  50. I will forever remain yours. Just tell when to start,
  51. I got a feeling that the reason for these gaps between my fingers is that they were meant for you to fill.
  52. How do other people say they love when am using all of the world’s supply on you. Just wondering.
  53. Whenever I think you cross my mind I smile. Whenever I smile you cross my mind. I’m not sure if it is your thought that triggers the smile or it is the smile that brings thoughts. One thing am sure of is that you always in my mind and I can’t stop smiling.
  54. You’ve got eyes as radiant as the sunset. Captivating, lovely…and impossible to ignore.
  55. I wanna be sure that every time I’ll be happy it will be around you.
  56. You are the path without which I’m lost.
  57. In a garden filled with roses, you remain the perfect rose.
  58. I heard honesty is the best policy and honestly you the most perfect and lovely lady I’ve ever seen.
  59. I look more like pudding made from chocolate, I look ugly but I’m as delicious as ever.
  60. You got to be someone’s wife. How about being mine?
  61. Let’s take a walk to remember.
  62. You are so on fire that each time you are in my presence I develop a tan.
  63. Is that a sunburn on you or is it you being hot?
  64. Hey, just wanted to give you the satisfaction of turning me down, go on say no.
  65. Her beauty proves that the world is still so beautiful.
  66. Here is the key to the car that will take you to my heart.
  67. Is that what I think it is? A canon fire? Oh no it’s my heart pounding!
  68. Hey lady, I would love to do three things for you before I go away. I wanna leave you my name, buy you your favorite drink and tell you how beautiful you are.
  69. I ever wished for one thing, to see a shooting star. Thank you so much you made my wish come true. I have seen you.
  70. I have to go back and thank God for the angel he dropped before me.
  71. If I only had a day left to live, I would spend it with you because when am with you I feel alive forever.
  72. You so much like a dictionary because you give my life meaning.
  73. Every time I see you my heart runs to compete. I really hope to take the first place in your heart.
  74. You spend a lot of time in my dreams I could charge you rent.
  75. Your beauty is a representation of the stars in the night sky. Vast yet so lovely.
  76. There is so much I wanna say but your gorgeous eyes keep on interrupting me.
  77. I forget most people I meet in life but you my dear are a treasure I will forever remember.
  78. You are a flowing oasis in the desert that is my life.
  79. It is such a pity that I have been here all night long and the moment I just met the loveliest girl ever I only have time to say goodbye and if I can have her number?
  80. You are such a magnificent walking piece of art that would take me forever to study.
  81. Hey I know you. You are the woman with a million dollar smile.
  82. Clothes are not sexy, they are just clothes. Women are beautiful and sexy. But you my love you are more than all the above.
  83. Can I speak to your parents? I wanna know how to make such beautiful children as you.
  84. I just baked a cake though it tastes a little bitter, can you deep your finger in it for extra sweetness?
  85. I’m bowled by your looks.
  86. Can you lend me your smile? I’d give anything to have them.
  87. I look at you expectantly and pray that love might come my way.
  88. What do I have to do to show you how I yearn to have my arms around you?
  89. Last night I went to pray but all I could pray for is that God will lead you my way. Thank God here you are now.
  90. Sorry to interrupt. Not that I usually do this, but I saw you from over there and I couldn’t resist the urge to come and talk to you.
  91. I come here a lot but sorry to say, I have never seen any lady as stunning as you.
  92. A man can treat a million ladies, but a gentle man treats one lady in a million ways, can you please allow me to be a real man?
  93. There are only three things I wish for you, eyes which will never shed tears, a tongue free from lies and a love which would last forever.

Irresistible Romantic Pick Up lines

  1. There are 7 billion people in this world but none compares to you.
  2. Every time I lay my eyes on you I just can’t get control of my heart. Your lovely smile, gorgeous eyes, perfect body and unique style. I swear you are the one.
  3. Hey baby, my love for you is just immeasurable. Can’t be compared to a word nor can it be likened to a game. Can’t be something that will begin in June only to die in July. It is the day before today, today, the day after and eternity.
  4. You are my first and last…I will always be in love with you to the last of my breathe. For you belong to me.
  5. I’m in love with you and will always be till the day of my death even if there would be an afterlife again I will always be in love with you.
  6. The glitter of your eyes are similar to that of the moon, you have a radiance in your smile like that of the sun, it’s just so impossible to take you out of my mind. Are you the one?
  7. My one wish is to love you long enough to see an apple grow in an orange tree,
  8. Your beauty can be likened to the beauty of a sky at night; your eyes to the stars in the night sky, and a smile that illuminates as that of the night’s beauty.
  9. I have never thought of love until you came my way.
  10. You lovely when you smile but I like it when you smile because of me.
  11. When I first set my eyes on you I never thought you would be this important.
  12. I really would hate it if anyone else would kiss your lips; have your heart, be wrapped up in your hands or you falling in love with him. Simply I’d hate to see someone else in my place.
  13. The love I feel for you is a special kind of love, love that is from my heart, one that keeps you in my mind and the love that I will always feel no matter how far apart from each we would end up.
  14. Love is like a destiny; it can be delayed but can never be denied. Loving you is a fact I can never deny.
  15. Love is sometimes painful but the pain is worth more than the fear of not loving.
  16. My heart was cold until I first met you.
  17. The only crime am forever proud of is stealing your heart.
  18. It is a nice feeling when you are greatly missed by someone! It is even nicer when you loved by someone! But it is the nicest feeling when a person remembers you always! Baby I feel all that for you.
  19. Do you have any idea what my most favorite things is? It is the second word of this sentence.
  20. Being the first one in your life is important but being the last one is even more important. Being the first in your heart alters nature but being the last one gives life a new meaning. I wanna be your last love.
  21. Honey, I can be with millions of ladies just to pass time but with you I enjoy every moment we are together.
  22. Your past is a Waste Paper, present is a News Paper, future is a question paper, so read carefully you may find me.
  23. The first time I laid my eyes on you, I identified you with my heart. You flames warmed it up and now it’s so on fire yearning for a cooling word from you. you greatly loved.
  24. I know this is the closest we’ve ever been. I wonder why I am feeling so far away.
  25. Hey love, might you be interested to know the cutest lady in the whole world? Get a mirror and look yourself up.
  26. Hey my lady, please save me. Got some cold lips I need someone to help warm them up.
  27. I wonder, you the reason I breathe yet at times you take my breath away.
  28. Love, we’ve been strong, the fact that we have gone through the worst and the best together. Always I will stay strong for you.
  29. I have missed a great deal in the past 24 hrs. 1440 mins and 86400 secs.
  30. Your absence makes me so ill, my temperature increases when I don’t hear from you. I’m told you are the only cure, I need your hug, kiss, touch and being with you.
  31. There may never be a place or time for true love to happen. It happens accidentally in a single flash, a heartbeat and a throbbing moment. Believe me when I tell you that the minute I saw you I felt deeply in love with you.
  32. I would annoy you at times but you my dear you are at liberty to kill me just grant my one wish, please do not shoot me at the heart because that is where you live.
  33. I’m told a picture represents a thousand words. Looking at you I’m left speechless.
  34. Our love is like a strong hurricane, no enemy would come against us that will not be met be a violent wind.
  35. My love for you will end the day a mute guy will tell a deaf guy that the blind guy saw someone better for me.
  36. True love is tested when one is hurt. The hurt partner loves even more and their love grows stronger and binds tighter.
  37. Honey, you are my only love and for me every day would be a Valentine’s Day. I promise to love you till my last breathe.
  38. I got tears in my eyes; tears that make me realize how much I love you.
  39. The love I have for you is like a trip. It starts at forever and ends at never.
  40. Hey, look! You just gave the sun a reason to rise, the roses a reason to smile at you and the birds that are singing for you cause I had asked them last night to wish you a great day.
  41. My love for you is like a great gravitational pull between the earth and the sun, the closer it is to you the stronger it becomes.
  42. If love is not a game, then why are there so many players?
  43. I can never be happier that you are a part of my life, thank you so much because you bring out the best in me.
  44. I’m never lonely with you at my sight. Even when I’m a lone I think of you during the day and dream of you at night. You always a part of me.
  45. My life minus you is like a beautiful vase waiting to be filled with a flower called you. Love you big.
  46. Your beauty controls my eyes, your personality controls my heart and our love will control our relationship. You wanna prove me wrong?
  47. Continuation->100 More romantic pick up lines

As we conclude our journey through romantic pick up lines, it’s clear that these heartfelt phrases can create magical moments and lasting impressions. Keep these romantic pick up lines in mind the next time you want to express your feelings with charm and sweetness. Sometimes, a few well-chosen words are all it takes to make someone’s heart flutter.

Top 5 Frequently Used Romantic Pickup Lines

  1. “I must be a snowflake, because I’ve fallen for you.”
  2. “I’m not a photographer, but I can picture us together.”
  3. “Do you have a Band-Aid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you.”
  4. “Can I follow you home? Cause my parents always told me to follow my dreams.”
  5. “Are you a dictionary? Because you add meaning to my life.”

Romance is all about the connection, so make sure it feels right when you use these lines. ?


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