45+ Funny Family Feud Questions to ask people

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Playing mind game || Funny Family Feud Questions

What if the ordinary squabbles and playful banter of your family gatherings could transform into an uproarious carnival of laughter? Enter the world of “Funny Family Feud Questions“, where every question is a ticket to an unforgettable comedy show starring your beloved clan!

Picture this: Grandma squirming in her seat as she tries to come up with a witty response, your cousin spilling his drink mid-guffaw, and the room echoing with laughter that makes your belly ache. “Funny Family Feud Questions” can turn your gatherings from mundane to magical, making memories that are sure to be revisited around the dinner table for years to come. Intrigued? Hang onto your funny bones, because we’re about to dive into the hilarious realm of “Funny Family Feud Questions”!

Fun moment | Funny family feud questions and answers
  1. What things would make cowboys sad when they happen?
  • Death of their horse
  • Getting bucked off by a horse or bull
  • Being called a cowgirl
  • Losing their hats
  • Losing a gunfight
  1. What things grow big when filled with air?
  • Tire
  • Balloon
  • Diving kit
  • Ball
  • Raft
  1. Name things that make one strong and healthy
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Doing exercise
  • Regularly drinking water
  • Adding vegetable to your diet
  • Drinking milk
  1. Name things that a dog can do
  • Barking
  • Putting the tongue out
  • Rolling over
  • Licking
  • Scratching
  1. Name things that can be found on a beach
  • Seaweed
  • Sand
  • Seashells
  • Ocean
  • Seagulls
  1. Name things that are most interesting about school
  • Reading
  • Playing
  • Friends
  • Class trips
  • Riding on a bus
  1. List things that can be found in the kitchen
  • Spoons
  • Plates
  • Dish washer
  • Oven
  • Cooker
  1. What are some of the old TV shows teenagers love to watch?
  • One Tree Hill
  • The Office
  • Gossip Girl
  • Friends
  • The fresh Prince of Bel-Air
  1. What might one do with a photo after taking a selfie?
  • Share on social media
  • Share with specific friends
  • Edit by adding filters
  • Set as wallpaper
  • Set as profile picture
  1. Name some places where one can go thrifting
  • Goodwill
  • Northern Quarter
  • Depop
  • Donna
  • Etsy
  1. Name some places one can thrift in the US
  • Riverside
  • Orlando
  • Atlanta
  • Tampa
  • Columbus
  1. Which types of foods can one eat with hands?
  • Fruits
  • Pizza
  • Sushi
  • Burger
  • Tacos
  1. What are some of the reasons that make people not to respond to a text?
  • Forgetting
  • Unwilling to talk to the sender
  • Lack the right words to say
  • Being busy
  • Lacking words to say
  1. Name some of the things that teens look forward to.
  • Money
  • Trips
  • Smart phones
  • Video games
  • New/trending fashion
  1. Where can one expect to hear music?
  • Night Clubs
  • Concerts
  • Radio
  • Road shows
  • Restaurants
  1. What are some of childhood games that adults and teens still enjoy?
  • Hopscotch
  • Twister
  • Candyland
  • Go fishing
  • Hide & Seek
  1. What things can one find at a carnival?
  • Sporty lights
  • Carousel
  • Fried food
  • Ferris wheel
  • Cotton candy
  1. What things do parents dislike?
  • Lack of job
  • Laziness
  • Drug abuse
  • Lying
  • Stealing
  1. List some of the things that one can beat
  • Record
  • Eggs
  • Fate
  • Drums
  • Opponent
  1. List some of the things that friends might exchange
  • Clothes
  • Shoes
  • Text
  • Bags
  • Ideas
  1. Name something that friends would quarrel about
  • Girlfriend/boyfriends
  • Parents
  • Bad mouthing
  • Phone privacy
  • Social media bullying
  1. Name things that can be found in a bachelor’s room
  • Radio
  • Laptop
  • Bed
  • TV
  • Pictures of women on the wall
  1. What are some of the chores that people dislike?
  • Doing dishes
  • Laundry
  • Cleaning the toilet
  • Folding clothes
  • Lawn mowing
  1. List some foods that often spoil fast
  • Potatoes
  • Avocado
  • Ripe bananas
  • Mushrooms
  • Vegetable salad
  1. Which numbers do people frequently memorize?
  • Bank account pin
  • Phone numbers
  • ID number
  • House/street number
  • Social security number
  1. What events only take place once after several years?
  • World cup
  • Eclipse
  • General elections
  • Olympics
  • African cup of Nations
  1. Name some topics people tend to avoid talking about during holidays
  • Family problems
  • Financial issues
  • Politics
  • Religion
  • Farming

28.  What are of the things that people frequently run out of in their houses?

  • Sugar
  • Cash
  • Toilet paper
  • Gas
  • Milk
  1. How did people communicate in the past before texting came?
  • Letters
  • Telephone calls
  • Physical Meeting
  • Telegram
  • Carrier pigeon
  1. Name some popular car names
  • Mercedes
  • Lamborghini
  • BMW
  • Rolls Royce
  • Chevrolet
  1. Name some popular car companies
  • Ford Motor
  • Toyota
  • Mazda Motor Corporation
  • Mercedes Benz
  • Honda Motor Company
  1. Name some of the most prominent companies across the world
  • Microsoft Plc
  • Apple Plc
  • Nike
  • Samsung
  • Toyota company
  1. Name some of the popular mobile phone brands
  • iPhone
  • Samsung
  • Huawei
  • Tecno
  • Oppo
  1. Name some of the popular fast food restaurants
  • Subway
  • KFC
  • Dominos
  • Burger King
  • McDonalds
  1. Name the best five coffee shops in the world
  • Starbucks
  • Dunkin Donuts
  • The Coffee Collective
  • Heart Coffee Roaster
  • G&B Coffee, LA
  1. What is California most famous for?
  • Hollywood
  • Angel Island
  • Golden Gate Bridge
  • Disneyland
  • Yosemite National Park
  1. Apart from sweaters, what other thing can be knitted?
  • Socks
  • Blanket
  • Scarf
  • Marvin caps
  • Baby shawl
  1. Apart from toilet paper, what other items can be bought in a roll?
  • Film
  • Serviette
  • Bandages
  • Foil paper
  • Bandages
  1. What are some of the things that one has to shake prior to using?
  • Cocktail
  • Dice
  • Nail polish
  • Hairspray
  • Protein shake
  1. Which items are mostly provided on an airplane?
  • Ear buds
  • Magazines
  • Neck pillows
  • Snacks
  • Water
  1. What are some of the things that women often leave lipstick on?
  • Children
  • Men shirt
  • Straw
  • Love partners
  • Napkin
  1. What are some of the things that are mostly associated with Spiderman?
  • Costume
  • Wall-crawling
  • Durability
  • Speed
  • Jumping over buildings
  1. Name things that are mostly associated with superman
  • Flying
  • Super strength
  • Enhanced vision
  • Super-speed
  • Costume
  1. Which items do people complain most about?
  • Politics
  • Spouse
  • Weather
  • Electricity bill
  • Money
  1. List somethings that can be dug up?
  • Information
  • Weeds
  • Gold
  • Diamonds
  • Potatoes
  1. What items do people attempt to sneak in?
  • Cigarette
  • Pets
  • Drugs
  • Long queues
  • Food
  1. What other things are mostly related with the word bubbly?
  • Hot springs
  • Fish tank
  • Hot tub
  • Champagne
  • Gum
  1. What items can one dispose after a divorce?
  • Clothes
  • Pictures
  • Furniture
  • Gifts
  • Spouse favorite cup
  1. What are some of the things that squirt?
  • Lemon
  • Shampoo
  • Water gun
  • Pimple
  • Perfume
  1. Apart from Gambling, what other things do people leave to chance?
  • Dying
  • Skydiving
  • Getting pregnant
  • Starting a business/venture
  • Love

And so, we’ve navigated through the jubilant chaos of “Funny Family Feud Questions”, unleashing laughter and creating unforgettable memories. We’ve seen how these questions can turn a simple family gathering into a laughter therapy session, bringing everyone closer together in the most jovial way possible.

As we wrap up this joy ride, remember that humor is the best glue that bonds families together. So, keep those “Funny Family Feud Questions” handy for your next family gathering, and prepare to be the ringmaster of a delightful circus of laughter. Until next time, keep the humor flowing and the family laughing!

Sure, here are five funny Family Feud questions along with their potential top answers:

  1. Name something you can’t believe a burglar would steal.
    • Answer: The family dog
    • Answer: Toilet paper
    • Answer: Leftovers from the fridge
  2. If an alien visited Earth, name something they might complain about.
    • Answer: Traffic
    • Answer: No Wi-Fi
    • Answer: Humans always taking selfies
  3. Name something you do in a movie theater besides watching a movie.
    • Answer: Eat popcorn
    • Answer: Fall asleep
    • Answer: Check your phone
  4. What’s something you’d be surprised to hear that a squirrel did?
    • Answer: Opened a savings account
    • Answer: Stole my car
    • Answer: Joined a gym
  5. Name a reason a person might wake up at 2 in the morning.
    • Answer: Nature’s call
    • Answer: Heard a ghost
    • Answer: Forgot to turn off the oven

Remember, the fun of Family Feud is in the unexpected answers, so these are just some playful possibilities!

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